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President's Message /
Management Philosophy

President's Message

Since its foundation in 1906, Yamada Shokai has been exerting effort through gas piping work to enable customers to live safe and pleasant lives.
With changes over time, lifestyles have diversified. Yamada Shokai has also changed over the years by expanding its business activities to cover all infrastructure required for a comfortable life, including water supply, electricity, air conditioning, and communication.
Because Yamada Shokai began with gas, we consider safety our number one priority.
Meeting quality standards established to ensure safety, Yamada Shokai treasures employees, who are the foundation of the quality of our products and services.
We strive to continue with the creation and support of the new lifestyles that emerged over time.

Toyohisa Yamada,
Representative Director and President

Management Philosophy

We will contribute to society
by offering a pleasant living environment.
